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FDIB Scientific E-Zine @ 4-2001 | ||
Change for a Change in Our Education I Wayan Karyasa*
Keywords: reform, will, skill, thrill
1. Introduction
Firstly, we should ask ourselves,
"How should be our system of education looks like for the 21st
Century?; Has a reform been going on our education system? ; Secondly,
how well we educate our children in mathematics and science particularly?
Here the mathematics and sciences are remarked specifically, without neglecting
the contribution of others, because of some reasons relating to the global
trend in educational reform recently.
2. An Ideal System of Our Education
The idea to adopt directly the American
system or Australian system or Europe system to our education system should
be threw away. We should choose kindly the relevance values of such foreign
systems and match those to ours. Of course it is not easy to do, but we
have to do. The system of our education should give a dynamic change for
the values of local culture and local system of education to develop their
selves properly but they have to support the national education and the
unity of our nation. We proud actually of the flowered and colored of our
culture and those for a long of time can live in harmony. It is a never
ended capital that we have.
3. Educational Reform
To run the reform successfully we
should have what so called "skill" (intellectual dimension), "will" (behavioral
dimension), and "thrill" (reward). According to Brian P. Coppola (1998)
commitment to reform is like any other change, it requires more than the
decision to do so in order for it to happen.
4. The Problems of Teaching and
Learning in Math and Sciences
1. Rapid pace of change in both the increasingly interdependent global economy and workplace demands widespread mathematics- and science-related knowledge and abilities.Have we been ready to face it? According to our currently achievement in science and technology, that much lower than our neighbor country, Malaysia, which last two decades have learned more from ours, we need to improve our system of mathematics and sciences education. Let us look backward a moment, what happen in our education system, especially in teaching and learning of mathematics and sciences. There are a lot of problems. We can specify those problems, which can be discussed further in order to find their solutions: 1. Curricula and instruction problems. The current curricula and instructions on math and sciences seem to be :
7. The problems in the institutions related to educating and training of the candidate of teachers such as Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of some Universities, the Teacher Training College and others.
Moreover, our government has decided
to zero growth of the so called Pegawai Negeri, and job or career
as a teacher depend on the decision of our government. If this rule and
condition happen five or more years, we can image what the future of our
next generation looks like. They will not be provided a good education.
They will not have a chance and ability to struggle in the future. How
they can cope their life in the Globalization Era and the Information Technology
Age? We are very worry about.
4. Solutions
Firstly, we should reformulate our vision and mission of our education system facing the 21st century. Especially for our education in math and sciences, it should be given more attention to develop our human resource, not only better in basic skill abilities but also in creative and critical thinking abilities. Moreover our next generation should be given more knowledge and more consciousness to keep our nature out from damage and pollution. Facing the new era the problems of our life are more complicated, as impacts of industrialization around the world, human population and economical global competition. Science and technology should make our life more simple, but the fact speaks much more different. Secondly, the curricula and instructions should be shaped as the student exactly need. In math and sciences education particularly, the curriculum should make a more chance for students and teachers to develop their own abilities to make the teaching and learning process not only more attractive but also more alive. Some approaches can be considered such as science-technology-society approach, humanism approach, local culture approach, process approach and constructive approach. The classroom learning and teaching should be more in exploring the use of so called "information technology" such as internet and software based PC and more in enhancing the use of the intellectual infrastructures such as laboratory, library and work shop. Hence the learning and teaching process is much more interesting for both students and teachers, not only "talk and chalk". Thirdly, the national budget of education should be increased at least 15% from our national yearly budget (APBN). The quality life of our teachers should be enhanced with better salary, but they should work professional in their duties as a teacher. Make a new image that become a teacher is the good choice in our life or the job as a teacher is more interesting than others. Education as a commodity ( John W. Moore, 2000) program can be here considered. Why? Education is a part of our life and the way to get better job and then a better quality of life. Hence all components of our society have to support the education area, such parents, industry, and government. If the such program is considered, the consequences according to John W. Moore are: (1) education as a commodity makes lessened support for public education; (2) those who supply education as an economic good should be rewarded, and those who are much better at educating should be rewarded much more; (3) education as a commodity implies that faculty and/or institutions might be able to turn a profit by selling their wares in national and world market. This change must be initiated by teachers and administrators them selves. Teachers and administrators should make effort to be more qualified and professional in their duties, so that they will be earned much better because parents and industries as well will pay more for better education. The constructive competition in the education area will grow well. If our government has still committed with the "education for all" program which tends to keep going on the public education, the concept of education as a commodity has to be accepted as a good rival to strengthening political will in increasing the attention and the national budget in education. The personal and professional development program should be done intensively and in good sustainability. To enhance the personal of teachers, we should make a balance reward to the qualified teachers and make a good system in supervision and consultation for teachers who are having problem. Both personal and professional of teachers can be develop in the teacher training college and such institutions. To make a change it should be begun by reforming the such teacher training institutions. Nowadays, by comparing to other institutions in other field of studies, the teacher training institutions stand in between alive and dead. Who do still care it? 5. Conclusion
"Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation" ( John F. Kennedy). References
* Staf pengajar di
PSP. Kimia, STKIP Singaraja dan sedang tugas belajar program doktor bidang
Festkoerperchemie, Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Technische
Universitaet Berlin.
Karyasa, I.W. (2001). Change for a change in our education, FDIB Scientific E-Zine, No. 104, April 2001. https://fdib.tripod.com/e-zine/ez-wayan4.html . |
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